Castor Oil Plants

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Castor Oil Plants


Scientific name: Ricinus communis

Spanish name : Ricino

English name :Castor (oil) plant

Other names :Carapate, Palma-cristi, maseriti. Kingdom*: Plantae

Order : Malpighiales

Family : Euphorbiaceae

Genus : Ricinus

Pats used : Leaves,Stem, capsule and seeds

Ricinus communis is a plant of tropical origin, a herbaceous perennial measuring up to 3m or even 10m in it’s original environment, straight stem, alternate leaves of round palmate shape with toothed lobes,the fruit is a spiny and globular capsule.

The seeds are shiny,black and white, smooth and very oily.

It’s a cultivable, mystical and medicinal plant… *Castor* has it’s benefits for:

°Cure inflammation.

°Clear the nostrils

°Relieve chapped nipples °For massages

°Help you breathe better °Reduce fever….

Castor leaves

It’s benefits for:

°Child birth

°Against colic

°Against indigestion

° Against infections °Against inflammation…


Castor stalk It’s benefits for:


°Releive constipation.

*Castot Capsules*

°Is useful repelling mosquitoes

°Is useful for making smoke against the evil eye…

*Castor seeds*

°Is used as a contraception(especially in remote areas) °Is the ultimate ingredient to have castor oil…

*Castor oil*

°The castor oil is used for massages °Is used as a powerful purgative

°Is used as a fuel for lighting

°Is used against diaper rash

°Is used as engine lubricants

°Is used as a powerful laxative

°Is used on hair

*Compound and content for 100g* °Palmitic acid (0,7-1,3g)


°Stearic acid (0,9-1,2g). °Oleic acid (2,8-5,5g) °Ricinoleic acid (84,2-94g)

94g) °Linoleic acid (4,2-7,3g) °Alpha-linoleic acid (0,2-0,5g).

Castor oil recipe

Peel the castor oil,take the seed roast it and boil it in water until it is dry,take a spoon to remove the oil and boil it again so that it is well cooked….

Castor oil plant plays a big role in human health from the stem, to the leaves to the pods to the seeds and oil.

On the other hand the whole plant including the seeds are toxic .when ingested. It contains and irritant substance which Poisons the blood,the oil on the other hand has nothing toxic.


Collègue Angelica


Saint Félix Mepricia

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